Steve's Photo Net - Project Feasibility Study
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Bluefin Tuna Pre-Defense Preparations
Ronald Yap's Residence

Benry is in Deep Thought...

Even Claire is distracted.

Marie Anne can't think!

Ronald concentrates
on the work to be done.

Mr. Yap teaches us how
to operate his computer.

Oh no!  How are we going
to defend our PFS?

Argh!  Game over
na ko sa Snake!

Chow Yun very Fat's
two adoring fans.

All-women division
of Bluefin Tuna.

The four stooges of
Bluefin Tuna.

Another shot of the
four stooges.

Project Feasibility Study:
Team Bluefin.

Villabert, Yu, Sang, Cano,
Lomotos, Tan, and Yap.

A another group shot...

And another...

Last one, we promise!

Bluefin Tuna Post-Defense Celebrations
USC Main / Grand Majestic Convention Center

A visibly tired Team Bluefin
has just finished the defense.

Team Bluefin and

Parting shots with Mr. Matero
and Mr. Moiket 

More parting shots


Bluefin Tuna Logo
Designer: Ronald

Initial Logo Design
Designer: SQY

Bin Laden Ad
Designer: SQY

Edelyn Ad
Designer: SQY

Benry Ad
Designer: SQY


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