Miscellaneous USC Pics
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University of San Carlos, Main Campus Building
As of May 3, 2001

Covered walk


Another angle

You might ask, why take pictures of the University?  It's not that beautiful.    Simple, I had plans of putting the University campus into a Counter-Strike map.  Without detailed floor plans, this visual information is the best I can get.  Oh, and... it's impossible to map USC - too many open spaces - r_speeds went crazy on my half-finished map.

A view from the kiosk

A Kiosk view from above

The new TAP site

Stair base

Stairs with bars


Fourth Floor "balcony"

The "short" stairs

Another angle of the same

Third Floor Hallway

Top of the world

A peek at the other end

Interlocking pillars

The facade

A closer look


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